Aqua one ph up

Aqua One pH Up
PH is the measure of alkalinity and acidity within a liquid. PH measured on a scale from 0 – 14 with 7 being neutral, 0-6.9 is acid, 7.1 – 14 is alkaline. Each change in one PH unit reflects a tenfold increase or decrease in the pH value e.g. PH 10 is ten times more alkaline than PH 9 and one hundred times more than PH 8. It is therefore extremely important to make adjustments to PH slowly. Aqua One pH Up allows for the gradual adjustment of acidity and alkalinity in the home aquarium. It is vitally important for fish health and vitality that fish keepers test and recreate the water parameters a species of fish is used to in the wild. Incorrect pH may result in many problems including stress, disease and death.
Use pH Up to move ph Up or toward greater alkalinity.
PH is the measure of alkalinity and acidity within a liquid. PH measured on a scale from 0 – 14 with 7 being neutral, 0-6.9 is acid, 7.1 – 14 is alkaline. Each change in one PH unit reflects a tenfold increase or decrease in the pH value e.g. PH 10 is ten times more alkaline than PH 9 and one hundred times more than PH 8. It is therefore extremely important to make adjustments to PH slowly. Aqua One pH Up allows for the gradual adjustment of acidity and alkalinity in the home aquarium. It is vitally important for fish health and vitality that fish keepers test and recreate the water parameters a species of fish is used to in the wild. Incorrect pH may result in many problems including stress, disease and death.
Use pH Up to move ph Up or toward greater alkalinity.