Balloon molly
Mollies are hardy fish and make a good choice for the beginner aquarist as they adapt to a wide range of water parameters. Mollies are live bearers; meaning they give birth to fry, rather than lay eggs. They originate from Central America. Mollies can brighten up community aquariums as they come in a variety of colours.
Grows to: 8cm
Diet: Omnivores - Tropical pellets/flakes
Temperature: 20-28 °C
pH: 7.0-8.2
Temperament: Peaceful
Compatibility: Suited to community aquariums with Live Bearers, Tetras, Gouramis, Danios, Rasboras and Catfish
Grows to: 8cm
Diet: Omnivores - Tropical pellets/flakes
Temperature: 20-28 °C
pH: 7.0-8.2
Temperament: Peaceful
Compatibility: Suited to community aquariums with Live Bearers, Tetras, Gouramis, Danios, Rasboras and Catfish