Cummins chicken grower pellets

Chicken Grower Pellets A specially formulated medium energy feed that produces well-grown birds for future laying. For 6-8 week old birds through to point of lay Feeding Instructions Feed ad lib in self-feeders from 6-8 weeks of age through to point of lay. Switch to Layer Pellets 1-2 weeks prior to first egg (17-18 weeks of age). Consumption will vary with age of chickens. Supply water at all times with dry feed. Ingredients Barley 13.5%, Wheat 13%, Pollard, Mill Run, Lupins 30%, Limestone, Dicalcium Phosphate, Vegetable Oil, Salt, Poultry Grower Premix, Dot 125 Premix. Medication Included Chicken Grower Pellets contain an anti-coccidial medication to aid in the prevention of coccidiosis.