Kuhli loach

Most Sharks and Loaches originate from South East Asia and are suited to tropical planted aquariums. Sharks are popular due to their ability to adapt to a range of differently stocked aquaria and Loaches for their character and interesting behaviours. Loaches prefer to be kept in schools of 5 or more and some Loaches can also be used for pest snail control.
Grows to: 7cm-30cm
Diet: Omnivores - Tropical pellets/flakes
Temperature: 22-28°C
pH: 6.0-7.5
Temperament: Peaceful to Semi-Aggressive
Compatibility: Keep with similar sized fish, such as Dwarf Cichlids, Mollies, Rainbowfish, Catfish or Large Tetras such as Congo or Emperor Tetras
Grows to: 7cm-30cm
Diet: Omnivores - Tropical pellets/flakes
Temperature: 22-28°C
pH: 6.0-7.5
Temperament: Peaceful to Semi-Aggressive
Compatibility: Keep with similar sized fish, such as Dwarf Cichlids, Mollies, Rainbowfish, Catfish or Large Tetras such as Congo or Emperor Tetras